Is CW’s Flash parallel to the Comics?

How close is the TV flash cw series in parallel to the comics?

Flash is one of those superheroes who is loved by the people who love to read comics. Many TV series have also made based on these comics and Flash is one of them. Believe it or not, people have given equal love to the series as much they have given to the comics or toons for that matter. No doubt the primary storyline of the series is same as the comic. However, the four seasons of the series have been released, and there are small twists in the series that make it different from the comic.

In this article, we will be pointing out some of these twists and let you know how much different this series is from the original comic. Many people are there who think that the role of Flash or Berry Allen should be given to someone else instead of the actor who is prototyping the character now.

The beginning or the making of the Flash is somewhat different. In the series, Berry was struck by lightning and turned into Flash or the Speedster. However, in the comics, there was lightening, but it hit the box of chemical but not directly on Berry. The chemical spills all over Berry and he turn into a super human or a meta-human if you will.

The age of the main heroes in series and the comic is also different. In the series, Berry Allen is younger than the character in the comic book.

The time travel in the comic and the introduction of the Harrison Wells in the series are two different yet similar perspective occurrences. Both revolve around how time travel can be done, but in the comic it is confusing.  In the series, the writers have tried to prove a point.

Moving to the Team Flash, in the comic “Vibe” or Cisco is a street-wise character, but in series, he is a scientist. Killer Frost is not the foe of Flash in the comic, however, in the series, she is fighting against flash in spurts basically. Not to play the spoiler the dynamic between Berry and Kaitlyn aka Killer Frost is very different. One minute they are saving her from turning into Killer Frost, the next minute they are fighting Killer Frost to prevent the death of various pivotal team flash members. It’s not a traditional antagonist, protagonist dynamic as Kaitlyn, up until the fourth season, is a beloved character.

The series is very much so mostly parallel to the comic but there are a few key factors that make the series different. So we’d say its pretty close in fact..

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