Cat’s and their breeds..yes this is Otaku life!

Cats and their breeds

Cats are a well-known breed so let us have a look at the cats and their breeds from across many walkways…”Meow..”.. Since the last thousand years, cats have handled their breeding on their own.

At the beginning, they were only used for the single purpose of killing the rodents and hunting. With the passing of each year, they start to breed. During various times of the year there are several breeds of cats and let us have a look at them closely.

There are more than 70 different types of cat breeds and they are recognized as the cat registries. There are a number of registries which we’ll be recognizing. Cat breeds are plenty steaming from 70 kinds of breeds which exclude the domestic breed like the tigers.

There are some  Japanese breeds like the Japanese Bobtail which can be easily traced back in history for more than 1000 years. Those are the cats which were very common in the times and they were also well known in  medieval Japan. In the current times, they are a myth in Japan and the entire world as well.

The common breeds of the cat which are found in North America include the long-haired cat, alley cat, Persian cat the Siamese cats. All are common and they are also well known destructive cats who have a foul temper at times.

The Persian cats are popular as they have been proven to be the loving companions. The Persian cats can prove to be expensive and it mainly depends on where you get them and what kind of Persian cat it is actually.


The alley cats are possibly the most popular and common in North America. There are a number of different breeds and most of them are referred to as the alley cats. They prove to be great as pets and there are thousands of existence. It has been found that the cats breed more compared to any other pet and they continue to breed till they are stopped. The alley cats are amongst the most bred and there are hundreds of thousands of cats which are homeless which is unfortunate for such often hot-tempered albeit gentle creatures.

As there are a number of breeds of cat and thus it becomes difficult to find which cat is of which breed. The look of the cat is the easiest way to tell that the cat is of which breed. Some people can also judge the same with the help of the color but it is not the easiest way of identifying the breed. There are different cats breeds and they have different looks like the Siamese and the Persian cats.

The Siamese cats are always black and they are easy to be identified with their eyes and the color.

The Persian cats are also easy to identify on the basis of the body types and the hair.

Cats are considered to be some of the best pets and they have become even more popular in most recent times. There are millions of people who own cats and many of the people also prefer to have cats rather than any other pet including dogs.

Otaku should really invest in pets as they make great companions. But the ‘Neko’ essence that resides heavily in Japan is not hard to spot as there are cats roaming typically often outside in various parts of japan.

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